Untold Tales of Bigfoot Gets A Bizarro Shout-Out

You’d think I’d pulled Bizarro cartoonist Wayno out of a burning building at some point in the past from all the times he’s referenced my Bigfoot graphic novel in his nationally syndicated comic, but no. He’s just a real sweetheart.

In this gag, the cardinals have mistaken one of those neighborhood free libraries as their home, and are upset by the constant appearance of books in their living room. But I’m not upset, because one of those books is my Untold Tales of Bigfoot graphic novel.

This isn’t the first time Wayno’s featured my book in his comic. Back in 2017, when he was working on his own comic, Waynovision, Untold Tales of Bigfoot earned a mention in another book-related gag. I see another friend, Dave Klug, worked on that gag with him.

Other cartoonist and musician friends of ours he dropped into the gag with subtle references were:

Shelf 1 - Mark Zingarelli, Tom Roberts, Bizarro

Shelf 2 - Maria Scrivan, me, Dan McConnell

Shelf 3 - Rich Powell, Dave Blazek, Joe Mruk

Shelf 4 - Jim Horwitz, Virgil Parch, Dave Klug

Of course, I never knew Virgil Parch. He’s one of Wayno’s heroes, though. Which makes my inclusion in this gag an even greater honor, come to think of it. I’m just really happy to see my guy right there in the middle. A very nice surprise.

But all these mentions made me realize Wayno’s promoting my book more than I am. So, taking a cue from Wayno’s gag, I put on my shoes and hoofed it over to the closest neighborhood free library with Michelle and installed a copy of Untold Tales of Bigfoot for the endless enjoyment of children and adults alike.

So, thanks for the kick in the pants Wayno, my good friend and, apparently, the only working member of my PR team. Also, I know a lot of you are going to ask where this little free library is so that you can race over and snag that Everybody Loves Raymond book, but you’re too late. I already grabbed it. -v


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