Work In Progress: New Website

Hey everybody. You’re looking at the skeleton of a website undergoing an overhaul. A work-in-progress. And the reason for this overhaul is organization.

If you’ve followed me at all online, you might’ve noticed I’ve tended a potter’s field of loosely connected art feeds from all over the web — a Frankenstein’s Monster of portfolio sites, process and comics blogs , an online store, my social media feeds…it’s madness. And if it’s difficult for me to control this monster, it’s got to be exhausting for everyone else.

So my aim with this site redesign is to have a one-stop-shop where you can come to see all of that stuff in one location. It might take a little while before all of the parts and pieces are stitched together, but I’m working late into the night to get this thing up off the slab and lumbering around under its own power soon.

One more thing: If you’ve taken a spin through the gallery, you’ve probably noticed I’ve started experimenting with some new mediums — sculpting with clay, building with foam, etc. If you want to learn more about that, you can check out my YouTube channel, Long Lost Friend Studio, where my studio partner, Michelle, and I post videos about art and creativity. In every video we have fun working on a project meant to help us improve our skills or learn new ones. You can check those out here.


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