Morels 10th Anniversary Booster Cards Are Here…and Gone!

Ten years ago, Brent Povis asked me to illustrate his vision for a card game he was developing. That game was Morels, and it was an indie hit, earning multiple awards and getting phenomenal ratings in all the gaming forums where it was discussed. As of this writing, the game has a solid 7.0 on Board Game Geek.

He wanted to do something special for the game’s 10th anniversary, so he commissioned me to illustrate three more mushroom cards to integrate into the gameplay. The cards that make up the booster set are Chicken of the Woods(5), Giant Puffball Day(4), and Giant Puffball Night(1). He also threw in one of the original Moon cards to round the pack out at a nice, even 11 cards total.

Brent, who founded Two Lanterns Games, ran a Kickstarter for this booster pack earlier this year that was wildly successful. So successful that he’s already blown through his stock on the cards. So, if you’re a Morels fan and you didn’t get your hands on these three new cards, you may have to turn to the secondary market.

The original game (and its companion, Foray) are still available through Two Lanterns Games. And if you just can’t seem to lay your hands on the booster pack, the least I can do is give you a peek at what they look like. These were done digitally in Affinity Photo, one of my favorite go-to apps for digital illustration. Happy foraging. -v


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