Long Lost Friend Studio is my self-publishing imprint, the studio space where we work, and a YouTube channel featuring videos about art and creativity. This blog covers everything happening with me and Long Lost Friend Studio.

A Bear Walks Into an Art Gallery…
The latest Gallery1988 show is called Off The Leash and it celebrates all of our favorite non-human characters in pop culture. Scooby Doo, Kermit the Frog, Wilbur the Pig, Chewbacca, Cujo, Rocket Raccoon, and more. A great theme and a perfect fit for a piece Michelle and I have been wanting to do for a while: Fozzie Bear, up on stage at a show, absolutely killing it.

Riverbottom Nightmare Reimagined
Maybe I feel some tenderness in my heart when Sylvester Stallone’s character loses the title fight in Rocky, but realizes his bond with Adrian is more important than winning a slugfest. And maybe I’m okay with Charlie Brown picking himself up off the ground and pushing forward after every humiliating time Lucy pulls the football away and he goes flying. But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let those rich punks from Riverbottom show up late to the Waterville Talent Contest and just swipe the prize money from poor Emmet Otter and his friends. So this year, I finally did something about it.

Muppetober Was Chaos And I Loved It
It’s October 31st and that’s significant for two reasons. One, of course, it’s Halloween. Look out for spooks. And two, it marks the end of Muppetober, our self-imposed, Muppet-a-day, illustration/video challenge for the month. It was grueling, and we just made it by the skin of our teeth. Now we can collapse like a puppet after you take your hand out.

Forget It, Vince. It’s Halloweentown.
Back in the 1990s, before DisneyPlus was streaming endless content into people’s homes, folks looking for family entertainment from the House of the Mouse would have to rely on The Disney Channel Original Movies. One of the more popular films from this era was 1998’s Halloweentown. It starred Debbie Reynolds as an old school witch who lived in a bustling village of monsters, spooks, and other oddballs. This week, Michelle and I did some research on this magical town, and sculpted a diorama of one of its oddballs.

Mary Blair Haunted My Mansion
Admittedly, “mansion” is a monstrous overstatement when discussing my dank, spider-infested, subterranean art studio, but I needed a hook for the title. Speaking of notable titles, a book we brought into the studio the other day — Magic Color Flair: The World of Mary Blair — is something Michelle and I pored over for an hour, becoming more enchanted with every turned page, only stopping when the webs being spun around our immobile forms indicated we were in danger of being exsanguinated.

Muppets Diorama: Tribute To An Underrated Gem
I don’t know what we were all doing In 2015 that was so darned important, but a good portion of us decided to not watch The Muppets, and thus we’re to blame for its cancellation after only one year. This week’s Muppet diorama is our attempt to make up for our part in that.

Rocket Had Come Equipped With A Gun
If you’ve seen the latest Guardians of the Galaxy flick, you understand that raccoons don’t like being in cages. And while anyone would assume that to be true, I’d faced that very situation not too long ago and the experience still stresses me out. So I thought I’d work through my issues by doing a quick ink and watercolor sketch of my favorite Guardian, Rocket Raccoon.

Excited About The Afterlife?
If the afterlife is anything like it’s portrayed in Disney/Pixar’s Coco, I can’t wait! Scratch that. I can wait. I can wait a long time. But if it’s truly as colorful and full of adventure as the Land of the Dead in the movie, I’m gonna have a blast when I get there.

Monster Terrorizes Disney!
In 1995, Disney released the theatrical short, Runaway Brain. It was a 7 minute Mickey Mouse cartoon intended to run before a few of their upcoming features. The plot is a classic brain switch horror-comedy where a mad scientist puts Mickey’s brain into a giant monster, and the monster’s less-than-refined brain goes into Mickey. As expected, chaos ensues.

A Bone To Pick
A little over two years ago, on our Long Lost Friend Studio YouTube channel, I drew and inked this skeleton sailor from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World.