A Bone To Pick

A little over two years ago, on our Long Lost Friend Studio YouTube channel, I drew and inked this skeleton sailor from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World. At the time, I was working on tightening up my inking/hatching skills — something, honestly, that I’m always working on. And at the end of the video, I threw on some digital color.

Someone (who was clearly paying better attention than I)must have watched that video recently and mentioned that I hadn’t shown the finished inks in the video without digital color. What are you gonna do? Sometimes things fall through the cracks. I don’t have the piece currently, but I did take a few photos of it when I did. So here’s the finished skeleton pirate, no digital color, just brush pen and fine liners (if I recall correctly).

skeleton pirate inks

I also found a couple blurry detail shots (that I assume I snapped for an unused Instagram post) and I posted them below. I had fun digging through my old files and discovering this stuff. Maybe it’s time to revisit this pirate. Or maybe one of the other denizens of Dead Man’s Cove. -v

ink details, skeleton pirate
ink detail, skeleton pirate

Burying Myself In My Work


Process: Kermit the Frog Thank You Note