Long Lost Friend Studio is my self-publishing imprint, the studio space where we work, and a YouTube channel featuring videos about art and creativity. This blog covers everything happening with me and Long Lost Friend Studio.

A Needle For Doctor Bunny: Essential Tools for Needle Felting
Michelle Michelle

A Needle For Doctor Bunny: Essential Tools for Needle Felting

I recently worked on this simple needle felted figure, and I thought it was a good opportunity to do a rundown of my go-to tools, materials, and techniques. Vince and I put together an accompanying video (bottom of the post) and I’m dropping a list of my supplies here with links for anyone interested in trying needle felting.

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Who Nears My Mountain?!
Vince Vince

Who Nears My Mountain?!

In 1970, Rankin/Bass released Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town, a stop-motion holiday special that not only gave us the origin of Santa Claus, but two top-shelf villains — The Burgermeister Meisterburger, and The Winter Warlock.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Commission and Conflict
Vince Vince

Usagi Yojimbo: Commission and Conflict

The endless battle between Miyamoto Usagi and his arch nemesis Jei is legendary. But it’s nothing compared to the idiotic rivalry that burns between Michelle and I whenever one of us challenges the other to a sculpt off.

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Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good.
Vince Vince

Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good.

Bustin’ makes me feel good. There. I said it. In fact, bustin’ makes me feel so good, that Michelle and I celebrated the release of the latest Ghostbusters sequel by engaging in a no-holds-barred, knock-down, drag-out sculpting challenge. And you know what? That makes us feel good too.

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Riverbottom Nightmare Reimagined
Vince Vince

Riverbottom Nightmare Reimagined

Maybe I feel some tenderness in my heart when Sylvester Stallone’s character loses the title fight in Rocky, but realizes his bond with Adrian is more important than winning a slugfest. And maybe I’m okay with Charlie Brown picking himself up off the ground and pushing forward after every humiliating time Lucy pulls the football away and he goes flying. But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let those rich punks from Riverbottom show up late to the Waterville Talent Contest and just swipe the prize money from poor Emmet Otter and his friends. So this year, I finally did something about it.

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The Mothman Cometh, As Prophesied
Vince Vince

The Mothman Cometh, As Prophesied

A few weeks ago I ham-fistedly constructed my first needle felted sculpture, a cryptid that haunted my childhood, a chimera known as The Jersey Devil. This week, Michelle answered my Monster Sculpt-Off Challenge with her own cryptid, West Virginia’s famed and feared Mothman.

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The Jersey Devil Made Me Do It
Vince Vince

The Jersey Devil Made Me Do It

Toss another skill onto the pile. I just tried needle felting for the first time and, contrary to my worst fears, it didn’t turn out too bad. And as long as we’re discussing fears, I employed a childhood terror as inspiration. The Jersey Devil, a beast I heard countless tales about during my youth in New Jersey, served as the spark for this sculpt.

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