Long Lost Friend Studio is my self-publishing imprint, the studio space where we work, and a YouTube channel featuring videos about art and creativity. This blog covers everything happening with me and Long Lost Friend Studio.

If These Walls Could Talk, They’d Scream ‘Meddling Kids!”
Once again we creep through the cobweb-covered secret passageways in the old mansion, emerging in the hidden, haunted art studio to work on four more Scooby Doo monster paintings for our client.

What Happens When The Dog STOPS Talking?
Two lawyers, a bank president, a farmer, and a hypnotist were sitting in a jail cell, passing the time with idle chat.
“We had it all worked out,” said one of the lawyers. “Gather the family for the reading of the will, inform them they had to spend the night in that creepy old mansion to get their share of the money, then scare them off one by one until the money was all ours.”
“It was a perfect plan,” said the second lawyer.
“Almost perfect,” the first lawyer sighed. “Those kids really threw a monkey wrench into the works.”

Giving Monsters A Bad Name
The ghosts and monsters in the early seasons of Scooby Doo sent chills up my childhood spine. They still do if I’m being completely honest. Who could listen to the maniacal laughter of the Space Kook without tensing up? But those ghouls, as creepy as they could be, were infinitely more endearing — and enduring — than the criminal goons inside those spooky costumes.

You’ll Have A Gay Old Time
YouTube, in an effort to help our little channel succeed, often suggests that we cover the same current trends as everyone else, but put our own personal spin on it. This week, in response to this marketing advice, we made a video about a one-and-done, bit-part character from a sixty-year old cartoon that no one under the age of fifty talks about anymore. Nailed it.